A Different Little Princess—Five Sentence Fiction

Yesterday I said I was entering  two new flash-fiction competitions. Here is the second: Five Sentence Fiction hosted by the lovely Lillie McFerrin.

What it’s all about: Five Sentence Fiction is about packing a powerful punch in a tiny fist. Each week I will post a one word inspiration, then anyone wishing to participate will write a five sentence story based on the prompt word. The word does not have to appear in your five sentences, just use it for direction.

This week: FAERIES

This week’s prompt came from the awesome Anna Meade, so I had to finally take the plunge I’d been planning to take! :)

A Different Little Princess

Her mother and father had often said that she was a princess, different from every other chid and absolutely unique as a result, but that didn’t keep the other children from teasing her.

Her ears were too big (with too sharp a point) and she floated rather than walked, toes barely touching the ground. She often cried when she returned home from school and matters were only made worse when her father tended to collect her tears in a stoppered bottle; she wanted to stop being different so badly, but she only grew to be more contrary.

Her mother asked her one evening if her difference would matter if no one spoke of it and she replied, no, then it wouldn’t be so bad. So, her mother wove a thread from her stoppered tears and gave her dolls whose mouths she would sew; when she returned to school, the children who had spoke ill of her could never speak in her presence again and she found, she didn’t mind being so different after all.

Check out the other entries by clicking on Lillie’s name above or this link here.

12 thoughts on “A Different Little Princess—Five Sentence Fiction

  1. Oh, I like this twist! That’ll teach those retched little children. How sweet that that her father collected her tears. This was really a fun prompt. People did such very different things with it. Glad we connected, Jalisa.

    1. J.M. Blackman says:

      Me, too! I just thought how children can’t see how the things their parents do really are for their benefit, but eventually she saw how. So glad you liked the twist and thank you so much for coming by!

  2. JTsuruoka says:

    This is great. Score one for all of us who dealt with agida from classmates… The image of the dolls is especially strong.

    1. J.M. Blackman says:

      I wanted to describe them in much more detail, so I’m glad it stood out. I’m glad you liked it. And yeah, I may have been bullied and this may have been way to exorcise those feelings…;)

    1. J.M. Blackman says:

      Yes, it would certainly be great if moms had this ability–to give their kids the power to stop bullying literally with their own hands. They’ve just gotta know how to sew. :) I’ll definitely come find your FSF, Lora. Thanks for stopping by.

  3. ahblack57 says:

    “a thread of stoppered tears” is a beautiful image but used in a slightly sinister way… Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed it!

    1. J.M. Blackman says:

      Thank you so much for hosting such a fun exercise! I’m so glad you liked it! Thank you so much for coming by.

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